Basic Principles of Vaastu
When the harmony between these elements gets disturbed our energies get dissipated in different directions leading to stress, tension and ill health and our peace of mind is destroyed. We then have to redirect our Energies subjectively as well objectively, so as to achieve equilibrium between Internal / External Energies, to attain a healthy body and a happy mind leading to health, wealth, happiness, prosperity and success.
This is the placement of universal elements in relation to the four principal directions For better results, any activity in your residence or office should be supplemented by the cosmic position of the elements.
The North – East (NE) is assigned to Water :
Have a borewell, underground water tank in that position.
The South – East (SE) is assigned to Fire :
Have your kitchen, pantry, furnace, boiler there.
The North – West (NW) is assigned to Air :
There have a guest-room or a store for finished goods.
The South – West (SW) is assigned to Earth :
It is the most stable of all elements; use it as much as possible by yourself.
The Centre is assigned to Space :
Have the least possible activity in this area.
How does an imbalance in these elements affect us ? An imbalance in these elements in the natural cycle causes Floods, Typhoons, Volcanoes Earthquakes and so on.
Similarly, an imbalance of these elements in our diet can easily be felt physically. The food that we eat gives us energy. If our diet is balanced, our body gets the necessary energy and we feel good. When there is an excess of some element in our diet, say, fire, that is, an excess of spices or chillies, there will be acidity. The (physical) discomfort in our stomach will guide us to have anti-acid tablets as well as a change in diet.
Likewise, an imbalance of these elements outside our body in our surroundings creates a discomfort which we do not physically feel but experience mentally as energy centres (Chakras) of the body get disturbed.