Defination of Mantra
The meaning of the word mantra is cogitation, science, a branch of learning and knowledge.
The habit of cogitation is conferred by the power of the mantra. When we try to put a thought repeatedly
into our mind, it becomes a part of our nature, Hence with the power of the mantra, the mind is moulded
accordingly. Alongwith, it is also called that science and faculty of learning by which energy is awakened.
It give that knowledge and enlightenment by which ignorance and darkness can be dispelled. By devotion to it,
such a change occurs within the life – force by which divine power and joy starts manifesting of the many
special aspects of the process of the chant of the mantra, the maximum lies in the 'blast' (or sound)
produced. This 'blast' means the extraordinary influence of the special sound in God's element.
Mantra is a complete set of words from the Vedas attributed to the deities or Devas. Mantras have come down
to us from our Maharishis, saints, Sadhus and yogis who after recitation of Mantras for several thousand years
guided us to follow them. Mantras for several thousand years guided us to follow them. Mantras are single or
strung together syllables.
Mantras are used in Tantrik sadhanas or rituals, whispered or chanted in different combinations and contexts,
setting up patterns of vibrations. One must learn to pronounce them properly as well as to understand their
meaning. Hindus believe that god, good health, good fortune and victory over one 's enemies can be attained by
chanting the right mantra. According to the puranas, Shastras and Maharishis, Mantra is the only way to attain
one's desires, provided one recites them with complete faith and the prescribed methods and rules. The recitation
of words of mantras should be pure and correct in order to create the right vibrations.
Mantra sadhana is very difficult. If during practice some drawbacks remain, it can inflict losses. Without faith and belief, such
practice should be avoided. Guidance of a competent Guru or preceptor to quite necessary to attain success.