Defination and Uses of Yantras

Defination and Uses of Yantras

Yantra means an instrument, an apparatus, a talisman or mystical diagrams. By following certain techniques and instructions, one can attain "siddhi" and fulfil one's desires and ambitions speedily.

Our ancient "rishis" and seers practiced Yantra and attained perfect peace of mind so essential in modern life. The "Shastras" or ancient texts have held the power of Yantra in high esteem as an effective tool in the path towards realising God.

The Aims and Objects of Yantras

A man expresses himself through signs, speech or writing. While Yantras include signs and writings, Mantras and Tantras are inter-linked since they are expressed through the medium of Yantra. Different Yantras are connected with different deities and are combined with different Mantras. The five basic elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and the Sky are related to Yantras, and by performing Special "Pujas" or prayers one can control nature for one's own advantage. According to our Shastras, Yantra is science which can be used through the five elements of Nature and by the recitation of certain Mantras. Deities are worshiped in different forms and each form is linked to a Yantra. Each planet is said to have a beneficial or harmful effect. Yantra is believed to remove their malefic effects and increase their beneficial aspect. A "Bindu" or a zero is the basic primary sign through which a triangle is developed, indicating various desires, methods or knowledge. The "bindu" is a focal point of increasing one's powers of concentration. It is often expanded to form various types of triangles and other round, long or broad figures which are called "Yantras".

In general, a Yantra is a particular design drawn on bronze, lead, copper, silver, stainless steel, or gold. A durable material is used so that when a "Puja" is performed, the wearer will be protected from all those forces which are inimical. Yantra thus becomes the medium through which the invisible forces of energy act on an individual. The medium is sanctified and the person who wears it should recite certain "mantras" so that the effectiveness of the yantra is increased. In order to enhance the benefits of the yantra, the utmost skill and sincerity is required of the person who energises it.

The preparation of yantras is a difficult process as there are many prescribed steps and rituals that have to be followed exactly. The great tantrik yantra diagrams represent time and space, especially the "Shri Yantra" which is the most sacred and effective yantra in Hinduism.

Yantra means an instrument, an apparatus, a talisman or mystical diagrams. By following certain techniques and instructions, one can attain "siddhi" and fulfil one's desires and ambitions speedily.

Our ancient "rishis" and seers practiced Yantra and attained perfect peace of mind so essential in modern life. The "Shastras" or ancient texts have held the power of Yantra in high esteem as an effective tool in the path towards realising God.

Puja Yantras

They are those which are installed in houses and temples while puja is performed. These yantras are of different kinds and for different purposes. They may be of various deities or of the planets. These yantras are installed in various ways.

  • Prior to performing puja, the yeantras are installed as idols or devas. The yantras are written in digits and accordingly, while performing the puja, the names of respective devas are recited through the mantras. The Muslims write 786 which indicate the word "Bisham Allab".
  • In yantras, the name of the deva is written in the centre and puja is performed thereafter.
  • Some yantras are prepared while writing the mantras. In some cases the full mantra is written, while in some other cases either the first word or the beej mantra is written.
  • The photograph, painting or etching of the deva and deities are pasted on before performing the puja.

Ritual of Yantra Puja

In order to reap the benefit of yantras, it is essential that the puja be performed according to specified rituals.

  • Since every yantra is associated with a particular deva of deity, the sadhaka must keep in mind the particular is hat. One should take flowers in both hands and offer them to the yantra while reciting the Beej Mantra.
  • Panch armit or Ganges water should be offered to the yantra.
  • Sandal wood paste or chandan must be offered to the yantra.
  • Unbroken rice, flowers and garlands must be offered.
  • Incense sticks and 'diyas' or lamps must be lit with the chanting of appropriate mantras.
  • Fruits, betel nuts and betel leaves are to be offered.
  • 'Aarti' and "pradakshina" in which the yeantra is propitiated is necessary.
  • At the end flowers and prayers with folded hands must be offered.

In case a sadhaka cannot comply with all the rituals prescribed above, he is advised to light incense sticks, the oil lamp, apply sandal wood paste, vermilion and scent or Ashat Ghand while reciting Beej Mantras. The puja should be performed by the sadhaka himself at his own convenience rather than allowing some person who is not well-versed in the required rituals and ceremonies.

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Useful Yantra Listing

Shri Yantra
Shri Yantra
Shri Yantra ( To be flashed wheat fining up form )

Hindu 'shastras' designate this yantra as the most important one as it has a powerful effect on the attainment of power, authority and financial success. It also bestows popularity on those as who are in power such as kings, political leaders and officers.

The Beej mantra7used during puja is as follows:

"Om Shareeng, Hareeng, Kaleeng, Hareeng, Shri Mahalakshmaiya Namah".

This Yantra is worshipped in almost all temples and houses in South India, where it is called "Shri Chakra".

Beej Mantra :

"Om Hareeng, Bagla Mukhai Namaha".

Kali yantra
Kali yantra

Kali yantra or Dakhina Kalika Maha Yantra bestows on the sadhaka the fulfilment of desires, wealth and the comforts of life. This yantra is required to take care of the harmful effects of Saturn, which is usually responsible for misfortunes, sufferings and sorrows in human life. This yantra is prepared and used at a time when Saturn has the most beneficial effect on Earth. When worn this yantra is the surest remedy against chronic diseases like blood pressure, paralysis and nervous disorders. It has the occult power of protecting the wearer from evil forces such as Bhuta, Preta, Preta, Pisacha, Kala Purusha and Brahma Rakshyasas.

Any person wearing this yantra is protected against planetary malevolence, as well as from accidents, misfortunes and dangers. Since Saturn is the planet for longevity it has the additional benefit of bestowing long life on the person who keeps this yantra on his body..(Refer Figure 2.3 for Kali Yantra).

Japa Beej Mantra :

"Om karing kalikaya Namah, Om Kapalinyai Namah".

After performing Pranayam, Rishi Nyas, Karanga Nyas etc., the devotee should invoke Kali Devi. According to Swanan Tantra, Kali Tantra and Bhairon Tantra, Japa should be performed for one lakh mantras by taking rice and ghee together. A sadhaka practising "Birachar" should worship with clarified butter. This yantra is also known as Sasaan Kali, Mahakali and Bhadra Kali yantra to be performed under the guidance of one's Guru.

Saraswati yantra
Saraswati Yantra

Maha Neela Saraswati Devi is the presiding deity of the planet Jupiter, as shown in Figure 2.5 Saraswati bestows intellect, intelligence and is the patron goddess of learning and music. For those who are dull-witted and have suffered breaks in their education, and for those who are suffering form the bad effects of a malefic Jupiter, this occult yantra sharpens the intellect, and ensures success in studies and high achievement in competitive examinations.

Saraswati Devi is also revered by married ladies to ensure a happy conjugal life. Unmarried girls also seek her blessings in order to have a good husband and a peaceful married life.

This yantra is a sure remedy for all mental disorders, weak intellectual growth and lunacy. Those wearing this yantra must avoid meat, fish and sexual relations on Thursdays.

Beej Mantra :

Ganges water should be sprinkled on the yantra, a tilak of kesar should be applied, a ghee lamp lit, and fruits and flowers offered. A jug of water must be kept alongside, and the following mantra must be recited 1.25 lakh times in forty days-

"Om Shri Vidya Dayeni, Saraswatiya Namaha".

On the 41st day, homa should be performed for 20,000 mantras, after which sweets should be distributed to virgin girls.

Shri Ganesh Yantra

Before undertaking any new venture, it is necessary to perform a Ganesh Puja in order to ensure the successful completion of one's objectives. The 'upasana' and puja of Ganapati is essential and may be performed through the worship of an image, a photo or a yantra. The swastik is the sign of Lord Ganesh. The Yantra can be made on Booj Patra, gold, silver or copper. Figure 2.6 shows the Shri Ganesh Yantra.

The Shri Ganesh Yantra should be writen according to prescribed canons at an auspicious time. With the chanting of mantras, the yantra is purified. The yantras is composed of six triangles which are closed on all sides, with a central triangle and 'bindu' inside. The Beej word can also be recited for purifying the yantra.

The Shri Ganesh Yantra should be writen according to prescribed canons at an auspicious time. With the chanting of mantras, the yantra is purified. The yantras is composed of six triangles which are closed on all sides, with a central triangle and 'bindu' inside. The Beej word can also be recited for purifying the yantra.

After attaining 'siddhi' of the yantra, the sadhaka will be blessed with the fulfilment of his desires, and the achievement of his goals of securing wealth, power and authority. The yantra must be worshipped for a period of thirty days and the chanting of one thousand mantras a day. Flowers, honey, milk and coconuts should be placed as offerings.

Japa Mantras :

Three Jaap Mantras are given below for purifying the yantra.

a) "Om Hareeng Shareeng Galo Gang Ganpatya Var Vard Sarvjanam Me Vashmanaye Swaha".

b) The mantra is the same, except that the word "tha tha" is used instead of "Swaha".

c) "Om Gang Ganpataya Namah".

Mangal Yantra

The Mangal Yantra is in the shape of a triangle and is embossed or engraved on copper plate. It is composed of 21 sub-triangles enclosed by a big triangle. In each triangle, the different names of the lord Mangal are inscribed, as shown in Figure 2.8.

After installing the yantra in the place where puja is conducted in the house, the yantra is worshipped with red flowers, and sweets made from gur or rice.

This yantra is very powerful and gives quick results. It frees the sadhaka form debts and cures blood pressure and rash temper. It also offers protection from accidents, cuts and wounds and enables the sadhaka to recover speedily from operations. In the case if severe diseases, the yantra shoulod be worshipped on a daily basis starting from a Tuesday.


a) "Om Karang Kareeng Karoong sah Bhoomaya Namaha".

b) "Om karang Kareeng Karoong sah Bhoomaya Namah sah Karoong, Kareeng, Karang Om".

This yantra is assigned to Lord Hanuman and the Mars planet.

Other Uses :

The author has used this yantra in different ways, apart from those prescribed above and has got 95% success with immediate results after applying the rules of astrology.

i) Mars is significator of husband in the case of ladies rather than the planet Jupiter. When the position of Mars is weak in the birth chart or positioned in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the lady's marriage is invariably delayed.

ii) In those cases where a lady's marital life becomes strained on account of bickerings leading to a separation between the couple, this yantra has shown remarkable results in patching up relations between the spouses.

iii) In those cases where a man or a woman is of harsh temperament, it has been noticed that by wearing this yantra after puja, troubles arising from the person's behavious are controlled.

iv) In those instances when a man is lacking in courage and boldness, or is shy and unable to express himself, very good results have been seen merely by keeping the yantra on the person's body.

Any person who is wearing this yantra on his or her body or in the place of puja, should avoid fish, meat and sexual contact on Tuesdays in order to get rapid results.

Nava Graha Yantras

Whenever a particular planet, or planets in a horoscope are positioned in a way that results in harm or retards the individual's health, prosperity and peace of mind, one should put a yantra of the planet.

The procedure for making a yantra is as follows :

Red sandalwood should be mixed with ashat gandh and with a pen of pomegranate wood, write the yantra on Bhooj Patra or Palm leaf. The pen may be of peacock feather. The yantra should be written at an auspicious time when the planet is in Shukal Paksha (bright phase).

The yantra should be placed before Graha Shanti Vidhan with 'homa Jap' and 'puja'. After purification, sadhana and prana pratishta the yantra may be placed either in gold, silver, copper or ashat dhatu talisman and worn around the neck or arm, with an appropriate metal for each planet.

On the day of yantra puja, the wearer should not eat any meat or fish, should not use oil and must have his meal before sunset. The next day, when the yantra puja is completed, the yantra should be placed near a tulsi plant at sunrise. The wearer should have a green coconut and should offer 'Arghya' to the sun thrice before wearing the yantra. The yantra can be embossed or engraved on copper, silver or stainless steel and worn after the puja is completed.

Oang Rang Raviaya Namha
Oang Soong Somaya Namha
Oang Bhaung Bhoumaya Namha
Oang Hrang Hring Bung Budhaya Namha
Oang Gung Guruaya Namah
Oang Sung Sukraya Namaha
Oang Eang Haring Sring Sani Charya Namaha
Oang Bhung Ketuaya Namaha